Sunday, July 30, 2017

Homage du Jour

The Avremier 0e project started as an homage. In numerous ways, the booklets have honored the earliest days of the game. That trend is not likely to change anytime soon. The latest tribute is to the late, great Dave Trampier - specifically, his AD&D Monster Manual rendition of the rakshasa.

In the course of my research, I was reminded that the rakshasa did not always have the backward hands we all know and love today. That seems to have come from a Dragon Magazine #84 article. The accompanying illustration also may be the first non-tiger rakshasa I'd ever seen.

Starting with the 2e Monstrous Manual, these traits were included with the standard rakshasa description. Still, just about every piece of rakshasa art I've ever seen has the thing with a tiger's head. The rakshasa of Avremier are different - this one in particular.

  • Nycaniculus: The rabbit-headed rakshasa of Black Rabbit Manse – the ruling seat of Duskfell Glebe. White-eyed, he often pretends to be blind. Has a talent for manipulating luck, and known to be something of a gambler. Dressed in severe black garb similar to traditional clergy. Lord of the Duskfell Glebe al-mi’raj. Known as the Black Rabbit or the Black Hare.
Upon deciding to render a portrait of the villain, I was reminded fondly of Tramp's iconic version. My sketch, with DAT's for comparison, is pasted below.


  1. Very nice, David! While the early AD&D rakshasas were depicted as tigers, for some reason the first lister pack of Grenadier's official AD&D minis offered two non-tiger rakshasas:

    And Grenadier offered some Bunnies & Burrows minis, too if you're looking for a rabbit-like mini someday:


  2. I had never seen the Grenadier rakshasas. Too cool!
