My memories from childhood are spotty and
disjointed. I am bad with numbers - including years and ages. So, here
goes...as best I can - because none of you demanded it!
I was born in December 1970. This is given only
for reference...you know - mathy-stuff.
Born in MD, I lived in NC from infancy to the
2nd grade - I think. Some of that could be wrong. I recall being told I started
to draw (well) at age 3. This could also be bullshit - I really don't recall. I
do remember starting my first novel at age 5 or 6. It was a ripoff of The
Hobbit called A Martian Adventure. Basically, "The Hobbit - on Mars."
I don't know why. The Rankin-Bass animated version of The Hobbit is my first
fantasy influence - that I recall.
I am moved back to MD in time for 3rd grade. I
start making up my own games with drawings. Later, I add plastic knights and
By 6th grade I've read The Hobbit a dozen times
and started creating my own fantasy world map, with monsters and stuff. There
are giants, dragons, goblins, dark knights, and "rambeasts" - like
minotaurs, but with the heads of rams instead of bulls. In my current setting,
these are "criotaurs." Again, I don't know where
"rambeasts" came from...but I was big into Greek myth and also recall
a cool book of mazes I had where one was in the shape of a ram's head - like
Aries. Maze...labyrinth...minotaur...ram's head maze..? That was, as far as I
recall, my first "original" monster or monster variant. Try as I might, I can't find an image of the maze on teh internets.