One thing I really enjoy about the RPG thing is the creation of new settings or milieus. While Avremier is my primary lifelong work for gaming, I do have ideas and visions that just don't fit. Because of this, there are quite a few smaller setting projects in the works (Grayharrow and RedStaff are but two examples).
One of the fun things for me is populating these new settings. Once a distinct flavor has been established, I like to browse through classic bestiaries like the Monster Manual or Fiend Folio, with an eye toward how these old standards might differ or shine in this specific environment.
In Grayharrow, I looked at a lot of monsters with an "eldritch" feel and psionics in mind. For RedStaff, the focus is a variation of Southern Gothic Horror. Today, there is the Pseudo-Victorian tableau of decadent apocalypse called Violet Grimoire. Sorry - there's no titling for that yet. Giving myself a distinct and detailed setting concept allows for a new perspective when making decisions for development. By way of example, here are a few brief jottings from a scan of the Monster Manual.
One of the fun things for me is populating these new settings. Once a distinct flavor has been established, I like to browse through classic bestiaries like the Monster Manual or Fiend Folio, with an eye toward how these old standards might differ or shine in this specific environment.

Ankheg: Worker-type of a species that includes
the Umber Hulk as a warrior-type.
Banshee: Attached to established families of “true
blood.” A sign of status and respectability.
Ettin: Engineered to become elite guards or
soldiers. More evolved and intelligent. Trained in weapon use.
Fae Hound: A version of the Blink Dog, but far
more menacing and large enough to ride. Possibly a version of the Enfield.
Fungi, Ghost: Large, white morel-type mushrooms
that can drift through the air for short distances. Similar to violet
fungi, but their touch withers/ages.
Fungi, Violet: Basis for an entire ecotype.
Sometimes, the touch of violet fungus infects the victim, but not with
rot. Violet patterns (like lichen) appear on the skin.
Giant, Stonebear: At least one tribe of stone
giants has embraced a form of lycanthropy to become werebear berserks.
Lycanthrope, Weretiger: Have formed a distinct
race of tiger-featured humans. Controlled shifting. Society of castes. Retain
golden-hued skin with striped markings in human form. Eyes do not change and
are always catlike. They have a ruler called Lord or Lady Tiger (possibly
similar to the Cat Lord).
Merman: The only species in the setting has the
traits of sharks, not fish. They are savage and deadly.
And so-on.
I find that most of the details fall into place once a detailed environment has been created for them. And, not even a meticulously detailed environment. For the moment, the Violet Grimoire setting is defined thusly:
I find that most of the details fall into place once a detailed environment has been created for them. And, not even a meticulously detailed environment. For the moment, the Violet Grimoire setting is defined thusly:
will be an environment for black comedy and gallows humor. It is also a place
for horror of all kinds, even a bit of Mythos horror. It is entirely possible
that the entire project will be merged with RedStaff as an epic campaign arc or
background plotline.
setting centers upon the great city of Veriscine, which is the capital of the
Imbraiac Regency. A city with a beautiful surface covering decay and darkness
beneath. Power, intrigue, desire, betrayal, fear – there must be fear. Always
an undercurrent of something terrible lurking just beneath the decadent
surface. Of madness concealed behind a crumbling façade of urbane civility.
Imbraiac Regency is a civilization in complacent decline. The arcane and
alchemical arts have been at their peak for generations. Much of arcane science
is pursued for the benefit of those that can afford it. Pleasure and longevity
are the most worthy goals.
gods were shown to be false and their idols cast down. Then, the horrors of the
Unquiet Dark began to stir and turn their attentions upon the world. Mortalkind
became prey for the ravening monsters from beyond. In desperation and
ignorance, the people turned to nearly forgotten gods of ancient myth for
deliverance and protection. Nine Gods of Order with comforting human forms. Nine
Lords of Hell that play at being gods and prefer dominion in the mortal world over
eternal war in the infernal regions. Diabolic overlords thriving upon worship
while seeking true ascension to divinity. During their reign, humanity has
suffered little from the predations of alien horrors, and the Nine have proven
very effective governors. Better the devil you know.
Well, that's all from the Desk of Mothshade for today. More fun to come.
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